Hedgehog housing

Hedgehog housing

A new census of hedgehog housing has been launched by Hedgehog Street, the national campaign to reverse the decline in hedgehog numbers. Between now and the 31st October, the census sets out to find out how hedgehogs live, especially in gardens where hedgehog houses have been installed.

The information will be gathered via an online survey, then analysed by scientists at the University of Reading. It’s hoped the results will help the Hedgehog Street team find out what the best type of hedgehog house is, and how they can be used to support our spiky friends.

“We know thousands of people across the UK have hedgehog houses in the gardens, but what we don’t know is whether they actually benefit hedgehogs,” said Hedgehog Officer Emily Wilson. “Through the Hedgehog Housing Census we will investigate the nation’s hedgehog houses to find out what works best for hedgehogs, which in turn will help our ongoing conservation work.”

Among questions the team is investigating are how frequently hedgehog houses are used; which design is best; whether the presence of pets or other animals affects how the house is used; and whether you should provide bedding or not.

All you have to do to take part in the survey is visit the hedgehog street website and fill in the online form. Results will be published in spring 2018.

If you haven’t already got a hedgehog house in your garden, you’ll find sturdy, well-crafted hedgehog houses here at the garden centre in Stocksfield. Made of natural wood to tuck into a sheltered spot in the garden, it’s specially designed to provide a cosy haven for these much-loved garden visitors. For details of this and lots of other wildlife-friendly gardening products to bring your garden to life, pop into the garden centre today for a chat with our knowledgeable staff.

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