Keep your lawn looking healthy even when it’s dry

Knowing how to keep your lawn looking healthy even when it’s dry is important if you want to keep your lawn in good shape during long, hot and dry weather spells. In recent years there have been numerous times when prolonged dry weather has affected gardens, including luscious green lawns. It is especially useful to think ahead in case you also have a hosepipe ban in your area. And there are also ways to grow a lawn with different plants that require less water.

Watering and feeding 

Watering your lawn when possible is going to help to keep it green and healthy, but in long spells, it can soon dry out and especially if you are unable to water it. Grey water can be used on the lawn - washing up water, for example. It’s always a good idea to keep water butts if you have space to collect water to use during drought. Water at night when it is cooler or in the morning before it gets hot. Feeding should only be needed once or twice a year. 

Keep your lawn looking healthy


Don’t mow your lawn too low, as this will cause it to burn. Less on mowing and keep it on a higher level so the lawn and soil beneath retain some moisture. Letting it grow will benefit you, the wildlife and the watering requirements.

Alternative to lawns

With the changing climate, it’s a good idea to consider alternatives to having a lawn. If you don’t want to be watering, feeding and mowing, why not change up your garden? The lawn can be replaced with vegetable beds or perennials, perhaps even a wildflower meadow.

Alternative lawns include Chamomile, Creeping Thyme, Moss and Clover. All of these will need less water, look beautiful and be beneficial for wildlife. 

Creeping thyme alternative to lawn

Don’t worry 

Mostly, we recommend that if it is hot and dry for a really long time and you are unable to water it in any way, don’t worry! You may notice your lawn being scorched and even looking completely burnt out, but it’s really quite incredible how lawns bounce back after some rain or even the following spring. Sometimes just going with the flow of nature is the best way to look at gardening.

Visit us in store for lawn seed, feed and tools, plus alternative lawn options. 


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