New Year's Gardening Ideas

New Year's Gardening Ideas

Time for some new year's gardening ideas to get your gardening year off to the best start. The new year brings a time of hope, excitement and lots of gardening planning. It might be colder outside with less to do in the garden, but there is always a reason to get your hat and coat on to enjoy the fresh new year air. If the days are too cold, or the ground is frozen or waterlogged, there is still lots to do inside to start your gardening year off in the best possible way. 

  1. Bare root plants 
  2. Garden inspiration 
  3. Planning 
  4. Hard landscaping 

New year's gardening ideas most definitely include bare-root plants 

At this time of year, when the weather is congenial, planting out bare-root plants is ideal. From shrubs and trees to hedging and roses, you can actually plant a lot in winter as long the ground is not frozen. Bare-root plants will grow a strong root system and establish it before the weather heats up. It’s a great way to keep your green fingers active during the winter months and plan ahead for growth in the new year. 

Finding garden inspiration ideal for new year's gardening ideas

On rainy days, fill yourself with hope for the year ahead and get some inspiration for the year ahead. Gather gardening books, magazines, online information and head to your local garden centre for inspiration. It’s a great idea to make a mood board and visualise what you would like your garden to look like this year and into the future. Once you have gathered all of your inspiration, it will be time to plan. 

Among the new year's gardening ideas is definitely planning 

When you are inspired and ready to go, start to plan your garden year ahead. You would like to sow from the seeds to the plants, shrubs, and trees. Think about the wildlife you want to bring to your garden and write your list of plants to grow, encouraging each of them to the garden. If you are growing fruit and vegetables, plan where they will be planted by roughly sketching on a notepad and consider your companion planting and crop rotation. This will pay off when you have lots of plants ready to go out later in the year. 

New year's gardening ideas include hard landscaping 

If the weather isn’t too bad, some hard landscaping can be done at this time of year.

  • Clearance jobs, patios and shed builds can all be put in place.
  • If you can’t paint the outside of your shed because of rain, start with the inside,
  • Greenhouses can be built and any structure you need.

When that is all complete, it will be spring before you know it and time to start sowing your seeds and putting your plans into action. 

Gain inspiration in the store and speak to our friendly staff about your new year's gardening plans. If you want to start gardening, or you wish to put more effort and time into gardening, our staff worders are here to help and give you advice.

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